5 Weeks (7): Canyonlands Landscape Photography Adventure

Let’s continue to recap of 5 awesome weeks with the very special workshop at Canyonlands National Park in Utah. I teamed up with Jon Miller, Monika Andrae to bring some adventure to the tour. Good thing we had done something similar at three Everest Treks in 2009, 2010 and 2011 😉

We met in Ft. Collins, CO to stock up, but before the tour I first did a quick stop at the Mt. Everest Cafe to do some ad hoc food photography.

Mt. Everest Cafe Ft. Collins

But on to the Canyonlands 2012 tour.

First we went supplies shopping:

Chris and the moose

then we went food shopping

Food shopping for Canyonlands 2012

then we packed the car, took off to Grand Junction where we added two cars to the mix

Getting the cars ready

The team of photographers before the tour…

Canyonlands 2012: the team

…and during a 6am sunrise photo shoot…

Canyonlands Sunrise

… and at the last day of Canyonlands (click the image for a bigger version):

Canyonlands 2012: Group Shot

By the way, SPAM for breakfast (together with oatmeal, eggs, potatoes and coffee) is actually quite tasty, especially if fried by Jon Miller.

Jon makes breakfast

Here’s a look at some of the super advanced camera tech that we had on the tour:

» more from the 2012 tour

5 Weeks (6): Harsh Sun, Urban Photography and a Secret Ballroom

Toronto was a productive time! (and yes, this is part six of the 2012 North American tour recap)

Water fountainsRelease pixie Matt Ravsitar Armstead posted an episode of TFTTF about dealing with harsh sunlight. That episode was pre-recorded before the trip. I pre-recorded a few but didn’t use as many as I thought I would. Oddly enough, being far away from home can sometimes turn into a bit of a productivity boost.

Jail KitchenI discussed the goings-on at Efke and Kodak on TFTTF with Monika, as the news broke that yet another film manufacturer will leave the playing field.

Ballroom TorontoExplored an abandoned hotel ballroom somewhere in Toronto with Monika and Sean.

At the end of the week we held another awesome workshop, this time digital and grouped around urban photography. A perfect way to wrap up two great weeks in a great city!
Toronto Urban Photography 2012 Group Shot

» more from the 2012 tour

5 Weeks (5): Toronto – Beer, Big Cameras, 4×5

The 2012 North American tour recap continues, from one cost to the other, after San Francisco came Toronto, Canada.

Toronto fun fun fun this year – two weekends, two workshops. And the fact the Monika flew over from Germany and joined me for the next three weeks, made it even greater! <3

Let’s start with the first weekend: BIG cameras, large format 4×5.

3 Brewers TorontoNo wait, let’s start with beer 🙂 I met with a bunch of Torontonians (and non-Torontonians) the evening before the workshop. I even tried poutine for the first time. It’s almost like Pommes mit Soße, a staple of German cuisine, heheh.

MicrophoneI discussed big cameras on TFTTF with Sean Galbraith. Talking analog and large format with Sean is always a good thing and having a microphone around to bake it into a TFTTF episode is even better.

VideoThen on the weekend we held a 4×5 large format film workshop in Toronto. I shot some footage, edited it into a video and posted the video here.

Large format photography (and especially 4×5) really is an incredibly organic process and if you love film photography, you’ll love the video!

And if you don’t understand why some people fall in love with film photography, the video might help you understand.

» more from the 2012 tour