tfttf226 – Expensive Lenses

Find out about photo positions, learn about what separates expensive pro lenses from “normal” ones, help an iPhone programmer to write a depth-of-field calculator and if you’re a lurker (yes, I mean YOU!) it’s time for you to come out of the closet!

Your 2 action items for the week:

#1 – Send your favorite podcaster an email letting them know you appreciate their work. It’ll make them feel better and it’ll make you feel better.

#2 – Take a picture. Now! And if you want, share it on flickr or on the tfttf forum

Show Links:

  • Seam carving for content-aware image resizing (aka “very cool image resizing”)
  • Influence next year’s workshops: If you want a workshop close to where you live, send an email with your location to [email protected]

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Author: Chris Marquardt

Chris Marquardt is an educator and podcaster. He wrote Wide-Angle Photography and is the co-author of The Film Photography Handbook and Absolut analog. He's the host of this podcast and a few others. Chris teaches photography all over the world. He is a regular on the TWiT Network.