5 Weeks (7): Canyonlands Landscape Photography Adventure

Let’s continue to recap of 5 awesome weeks with the very special workshop at Canyonlands National Park in Utah. I teamed up with Jon Miller, Monika Andrae to bring some adventure to the tour. Good thing we had done something similar at three Everest Treks in 2009, 2010 and 2011 😉

We met in Ft. Collins, CO to stock up, but before the tour I first did a quick stop at the Mt. Everest Cafe to do some ad hoc food photography.

Mt. Everest Cafe Ft. Collins

But on to the Canyonlands 2012 tour.

First we went supplies shopping:

Chris and the moose

then we went food shopping

Food shopping for Canyonlands 2012

then we packed the car, took off to Grand Junction where we added two cars to the mix

Getting the cars ready

The team of photographers before the tour…

Canyonlands 2012: the team

…and during a 6am sunrise photo shoot…

Canyonlands Sunrise

… and at the last day of Canyonlands (click the image for a bigger version):

Canyonlands 2012: Group Shot

By the way, SPAM for breakfast (together with oatmeal, eggs, potatoes and coffee) is actually quite tasty, especially if fried by Jon Miller.

Jon makes breakfast

Here’s a look at some of the super advanced camera tech that we had on the tour:

» more from the 2012 tour

Author: Chris Marquardt

Chris Marquardt is an educator and podcaster. He wrote Wide-Angle Photography and is the co-author of The Film Photography Handbook and Absolut analog. He's the host of this podcast and a few others. Chris teaches photography all over the world. He is a regular on the TWiT Network.

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