Watch out, Tweetstorm in three, two, one.
A tweetstorm is like a mini blog entry. To my knowledge, web pioneer and venture capitalist Marc Andreesen (@pmarca, co-author of Mosaic, the first web browser) cultivated this form of communication and here’s my first effort. A tweetstorm is great to convey an idea that’s too complex for 140 characters but might still be valuable for a Twitter audience.
Anyway, here’s my first one, it’s in the widest sense about photography and happiness.
1/Aren't all these possibilities wonderful? No need to decide on the spot about white balance (RAW), exposure (HDR),
— Chris Marquardt (@chrismarquardt) October 14, 2014
2/focus (Lytro) or composition (countless megapixels). Just delay until you finally have time to deal with it.
— Chris Marquardt (@chrismarquardt) October 14, 2014
3/Only issue with that approach is that you're shifting the burden of the decision right on top of a big pile. Yes, I'm talking about DBS.
— Chris Marquardt (@chrismarquardt) October 14, 2014