Chris takes a closer look at the world’s smallest full frame mirrorless digital camera: the Sigma fp. He also asks the question if a full frame camera can REALLY deliver medium-format level quality, as claimed by Sony with the new A7 Mark IV.
[sc:podlovebutton] [sc:workshops]Tag: Sony
tfttf615 – New Full Frames from Sony and Nikon
Find out the easiest way to take care of dust on your sensor, Chris revisits a model photoshoot and now that Sony has the A7 and the A7R out and Nikon just announced their retro Df, let’s talk full frame for a minute.
Show Links:
- Leave a rating on iTunes: Tips from the Top Floor
- Sony A7 / A7R First Impressions
- Nikon Df First Impressions
- Sensor Sizes
- TFTTF 614: The Mysterious World of Fashion Photography
- After Dark St. Louis – including the interview with Tifani
- Photographer Website Showcase: Daniel J. Grenier
- Photo Workshops with Chris