The wonderful Patrons of TFTTF
These are the wonderful people who decided to ongoing support of Tips from the Top Floor on Patreon or via a standing SEPA order in the Euro zone. You’re awesome! (And if you pledge $3 or more per episode, I’ll even make this entry a link to a page of your choice)
- Alex Krowzow
- Alan Bruce
- Alin Siminoiu
- Allen Davis
- Amy Brooks
- Andrew B.
- Andrew R.
- Anthony
- Anthony Yager
- Arthur Shad
- Bartek Boski
- Bernard Kelly
- Bill Beton
- Brian Walworth
- CarmineWorx
- Carol Comeau
- Carolyn Haines
- Chad Leigh Kluck
- Chaundra
- Chris Hicks
- Christoph Laska
- Christopher May
- Colin Oatley
- Daniel
- Daniel Hertrich
- Daniel Dangl
- Daniel Goldberg
- Dave Smith
- David Recht
- Doug
- Doug Gabbard
- Eng Khiong
- Eran Pinhasov
- Filip Vele
- Fouthe Kammer
- Francesco Scaglioni
- Frank
- Frank Eberle
- Frank D.
- Geoffpb
- Gerald Legere
- Gilles
- Greg Dambach
- gui258
- Jacob Grove
- Jacob Lolch Pedersen
- James Mueller
- James Trimble
- Jeffrey Block
- Jeffrey Johnson
- Jeremy Kerwin
- Jim Caldwell
- Josh Hopko
- Justmeamr
- John Donahue
- Josh Hopko
- Ken Berean
- Ken Davidson
- Kyle Nishioka
- Lake Films Studio
- Leslie Ridlon
- Marc Klass
- Marc Overstreet
- Marco Binder
- Mark Taylor
- Martin Tosh
- Mat DeWater
- Matt ‘Ravsitar’ Armstead
- Matthew Bardutz
- Michael Grunert
- Michael Zimmermann
- Nicolas Curri
- NicotineBandit
- Peter Morrow
- Peter M Spradling
- Princeton Photo Workshop
- Rick Conley
- Rob Duba
- Robert Goshko
- Robert Guillory
- Robert Henry
- Robert Shields
- Roger Nedel
- Roz McNulty
- Ryan Giglio
- Sachin Myneni
- Scott Jarvie
- Scott Wurzel
- Sid T
- Sina Farhat
- Stefan Rutschmann
- Stephane Venne
- Stu Silberman
- The DIS Unplugged
- Tobias Wolf
- Tomas Nilsson
- Tom Stewart
- Trevor Palmer
- Wayne Batzer
- William U.
- William Robins
- Woody