Blog changes

I’ll be working on the wordpress blog, upgrading it to the newest version. Please excuse any strange behaviour that you might see here during that time.

Update: *phew* .. 5 hours later and most of the work is done. WordPress updated to latest version, K2 theme installed (brings come cool new features including an ajax-ification of some areas), sidebar configured, new header image designed, and still fiddling with some of the detail settings.

One of the unforseeable issues that I unfortunately can’t fix is that the old feed entries in your podcatchers will be duplicated (this won’t affect new ones). I’m really sorry for that .. I hope that doesn’t turn out to be too much of an issue though.

Please let me know what you think of the new look and feel! (the comment links are now at the top of the posts)

Update 2: *double phew* .. feed redirection didn’t work as expected. My apologies if some of you got errors in your podcatchers. Hopefully fixed. Need some sleep now… oh wait, need to record and upload some more calendar doors first 🙂

Author: Chris Marquardt

Chris Marquardt is an educator and podcaster. He wrote Wide-Angle Photography and is the co-author of The Film Photography Handbook and Absolut analog. He's the host of this podcast and a few others. Chris teaches photography all over the world. He is a regular on the TWiT Network.