5 Weeks (4): TWiT Brickhouse Behind-The-Scenes

And yet another one in the 2012 North American Tour recap marathon:

TWiT Behind The ScenesI don’t know about you, but when it comes to stuff like TWiT, I *love* finding out how things look and work behind the scenes. I love to get my hands deep down into the tech of things, following cables and ending up in the basement where the servers emit their soothing hum around the clock.

Or in short: I’m really really (really) curious and this is my equivalent of taking apart kitchen appliances to find out how they work!

So when I was at the TWiT Brickhouse studio, I couldn’t help but record a little behind-the-scenes video tour, asking John Slanina (jammerb) to show me around.

Also find out where my brick ended up.

Watch the videos: part onetwothree

» more from the 2012 tour

5 Weeks (3): The Stats


A quick detour in the 2012 North Amercian Tour recap.. You know I’m curious, so I’ve just put together some stats about the tour.

During the five weeks, I’ve been flying on 13 different airplanes (must have added at least another 100 hot pixels to my camera’s sensor, talk about cosmic radiation and cameras), I have visited 6 different cities (not including the layovers), slept in 9 different hotels or other accommodations (including couches) and have driven 7 different rental cars.

*phew* … I’ll need a tour manager soon

» more from the 2012 tour

5 Weeks (2): Photo Day at TWiT

Photo Day 2012 at TWiT with Leo Laporte The recap continues. After the Washington D.C. workshop, I continued to San Francisco, or rather north of it to Petaluma in beautiful Sonoma County.

As in previous years, Leo Laporte was super awesome to let me have the TWiT studio again for a few hours to talk to interesting guest from the photography world, including kite aerial photographer Cris Benton. Over three hours of the four-hour event survived as a video on YouTube (but don’t worry if you don’t have the time to watch the whole thing, I will put pieces of it on the TFTTF podcast over the next months)

While up there, I also spent time at the TWiT studio to take a few group shots of the team:

TWiT group shot

» more from the 2012 tour