Future-proofing Tips from the Top Floor


For a while, you have been able to downloaded TFTTF episodes via BitTorrent – and no, using BitTorrent is *not* illegal, I repeat, *not* illegal, unless you use it to download illegal content. And trust me: TFTTF is *very* legal indeed ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here’s the next bit of future-proofing: TFTTF has just been upgraded to receive BitCoin donations!

Producing a free offering like this podcast takes time, and running and maintaining the infrastructure costs real money that I have to earn. If you are already helping out with a regular or one-time donation, I thank you with all my heart!

If you want to financially help, there is a box in the sidebar to do just that.

Now, in addition to the existing PayPal donation system, you can now give using BitCoin. The BitCoin address for the donations is


I appreciate any amount donation. To make things simpler, if you have a BitCoin client installed on your system, the donations box in the sidebar has a button for that.

If you never heard of BitCoin, it’s a digital currency, you can find out more at bitcoin.org

PS: of course, there are other non-financial ways to support the show!

Let us take you to Mt. Everest

If I had to choose the one single things that I’ve done in the last five years that I have the fondest memories of, it would *have* to be the Everest Treks. The things I experienced there were so amazing on such a profound level!

We will go again in May 2014 – and we will take a group of photographers with us.

And as Jon Miller keeps saying (and rightfully so!), it’s a life-changing event. And an adventure that you’ll come home from with the most amazing photography. I will personally make sure of that!

Registration for the 2014 Everest Workshop Trek will open at 9am MDT on October 1st, 2013. (that’s 5pm German time). Space on The Team is limited.

ยป more information and registration

Some pictures from the last treks:








