851 Visual Workflow

Happy New Year! FINALLY FINALLY the November challenge review. Chris also takes a quick look back over the last year and he talks to his guest Ibarionex Perello about the visual workflow.

Photo by Caleb Woods




805 Setting The Right Goals

Happy New Year everybody!! On this episode Chris talks about goals when it comes to presenting your work in public and what they entail. Tom is interested in a sharpening workflow and Chris spills the beans about his own (barely existing) sharpening workflow. Also, the little robot from the podcast The Future of Photography finally has a name. Thanks to everyone who helps with their suggestions.

Photo by Patrick Schneider



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  • [sc:workshops]

    tfttf719 – Georgia, Mark, Tsivka and Wayne


    Georgia wants to start her own video blog and Chris draws the parallels between photography and audio and video. Tsvika tries to merge multiple Lightroom catalogs into one, Wayne has a photo workflow question and wants to find out where to flag his pictures best and last but not least, Mark likes petroglyps a lot more when they are viewed through his polarizing sunglasses and not so much when he looks at the photos his camera took of them.

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